
Try new things. Make new friends. Joining Beavers is just the beginning of your big adventure.

Our Beaver Colony is known as “Warriors” and we are based at Christ Church in Ware. We meet on a Monday evening during school terms between 5:15pm and 6:15pm. Most Young People join Beavers at the age of 6 although sometimes we have others who join us when they are 7 years old. When they are approximately eight years old they then move up to Cubs. The Colony is open to both boys and girls of any religion.

Being a Beaver

When you join Beavers, you’ll be introduced to lots of new activities, people and things. Here’s everything you need to know.

Join Now

We started our Colony on 1st February 2010 with just six Beavers and have steadily grown since. Despite being the newest of the thirteen Beaver Colonies in Ware & District, we take part in all the District events, from church services and parades to Tug-of-War, Handy-crafts and camps. Our aim is to provide a balanced program of activities during a child’s time as a Beaver Scout (from 6 to 8yrs).


Completing awards challenges you to do more, learn more and be more. See what’s on offer and start your journey to the top.

Discover Awards

Beaver Promise

As a values based movement we all make the ‘The Promise’ an oath that helps us to be our best

Learn the Beaver Promise

Beaver leaders

All of our leaders are trained volunteers, working to make sure Scouting is safe, inclusive and accessible. Some lead the Colony week in and week out. Others visit occasionally to help run a session or drop in to share their skills. No matter how much time you have to spare, find out about volunteering on your own terms.

Find out about volunteering